Educational Resources
Restraints And Seclusion
Act 378 – Louisiana’s Restraint and Seclusion Law
A brief history of Louisiana’s passage of a restraint and seclusion law along with a Q & A.
Source: Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council, 2011
Dear Colleague Letter – Office of Civil Rights
A copy of the letter from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program on guidance around restraints and seclusion.
Source: US Department of Education, December 2016
Fact Sheet: Restraint and Seclusion of Students with Disabilities
A fact sheet summarizing the Dear Colleague letter issued on December 28, 2016.
Source: US Department of Education, December 2016
Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document
A 45 page guide to the use of Restraint and Seclusion was developed after the reports of too many incidents where restraints or seclusion resulted in serious consequences, including, most tragically, death.
Source: US Department of Education, May 2012
Using Seclusion and Restraints for Students with Disabilities
A 2 page guide defining what the Louisiana Department of Education expects schools to adhere to when using Seclusion and Restraints.
Source: Louisiana Department of Education, July 2016