Years of Families Helping Families In Our Community
We Have and Help Families Just Like Yours
Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana is one of ten independent non-profit resource centers. Each center is independently incorporated and governed by its own Board of Directors. The staff and Board of each center is comprised of family members and individuals with disabilities. We serve our families in many ways:

Helpful Links

Educational Support Information

Peer to Peer Support

Information and Referral
Families Helping Families of Northeast Louisiana, Inc. is located in Monroe and serves the 12 parishes that comprise Region 8 – Ouachita, Richland, Franklin, Caldwell, Tensas, East Carroll, West Carroll, Madison, Union, Morehouse, Jackson, and Lincoln.
While each center is regionally based and therefore different in flavor, each Families Helping Families center is able to maintain its mission and vision by being a member of Families Helping Families of Louisiana.
A Place Where Families Can Grow
Families Helping Families is one of the lead resource centers serving individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in Northeast Louisiana. Disabilities include physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities. Caring for individuals with disabilities takes a wealth of support, knowledge and information and the FHF center is uniquely committed to serving this population. Each staff member at FHF is personally connected to the disability community, and has the experience through which they are able to give families first-hand information and encouragement.
The FHF Center utilizes a parent-driven, coordinated network of services to assist families in achieving the ultimate goal of full inclusion for individuals with disabilities. The Center provides information and referral, education and training, peer to peer support, and advocacy training to strengthen and empower families. By building upon its networks with local, regional, and state agencies such as Children’s Special Health Services, the Louisiana State Department of Education, the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, the FHF Center has successfully assisted thousands of families in connecting to services and understanding their rights and responsibilities which allow individuals to live, work, and play in our communities.
FHF Supporters and Funding
Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council
Managed by Northeast Delta Human Service Authority in partnership with LCS
LA State Department of Education
Children’s Special Health Services
These agencies provide the core funding for some of the Families helping Families Resource Centers across the state. They have made a monetary commitment as well as showing support. They too believe that families are a vital component in the array of services provided to individuals with disabilities.